At this point you probably know this but, at the CF office, we’re all about oily/acne-prone skin, a never-ending battle between a good-looking skin and pimples and scars, blossoming one step at a time.

Even harder if you cannot stick to a skincare routine, that’s why we really recommend to start to build your own day/night skincare routine and deeply follow it, truly game changer, trust me!

Food, beauty products, hormones… there are a lot of factors that can ruin your skin health and if you’re on the oily team you need to be careful with all the above more than anyone.

4 Tips to Glow Naturally

1. Don’t Overdo

A typical misconception on oily skin is the general belief that you have to eliminate sebum and oil excess by stripping your skin too much. Eg: Overdo exfoliation, if you’re doing this 2-3 times per week, STOP, your skin barrier won’t be happy about this and it’ll take a while to rebalance by giving this the hydration it lost. Now is when the next step becomes crucial on your oily routine.

2. Incorporate Acids Into Your Cleansing Routine

Personal experience has taught me that the best way of exfoliation for oily/dehydrated skin (yes, it’s possible to have it both ways) is adding AHA/BHA’s on your daily routine, either on exfoliation pads like the ones from Nip + Fab with glycolic Acid or the Lactic Acid from The Inkey List or the Salicylic Acid from the Ordinary, all gentle enough to start giving your skin the glow it deserves and ditch the unwanted shininess.

3. Use A Mask 2-3 Times A Week

Follow this step religiously as even the queen of glam, Victoria Beckham said that she uses sheet masks once a day for glowing skin, we’re not saying to do this daily but try at least to give your skin a “me-moment” 2-3 times, just before going to bed is the perfect timing to do this little ritual and if you light a candle and spritz some calming essence on your bedroom it’ll definitely prepare your mind for a good sleep.

Go for those with ingredients as clay or mud to detoxify and hydrate, extra points if balance between a hydrating/moisturizing one as the Sleeping Beauty Purifying Mousse from Edible Beauty; with a detoxing one as the Clear Skin Blemish Control Mask from Alpha-H.

Instead of fighting oily skin, learn to embrace it.

4. Don’t Forget Sunscreen

Although it might seem obvious, sunscreen has to be a must on your day, whether is summer or winter, no matter if the day is cloudy or it’s snowing, apply sunscreen and help your skin protects from the different UV rays, go for a formula based on zinc as it’s better for your skin and the planet. Learn more about sunscreens below.